Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Swimming Up The River

No I'm not there yet.  But one part of my plan has just crumpled into dust.  Three months ago or so I purchased an iPhone 4.  This was not an impulse-driven decision.  I researched it, and planned, and came to the conclusion that this would be the perfect phone to have in Italy.  It arrived, I downloaded a few Europe-specific GPS applications, and even a brilliant app. for the Venice Biennale made specifically for iPhones.  I was so perfectly set up , and totally in love at this point with the phone.  I mean, faced with a raging fire in my home, I would probably dive back into the flames to retrieve it.  (Love apparently is inversely proportional to common sense).  However, Verizon has just informed me that this  iPhone is not a GMS-compatible device (who the heck knows???) and Italy is a GMS country.  So the iPhone will not work there.  What????   So I'm having to rent a Blackberry device that will have my same number (good), will be able to operate as a GPS (fine), but will cost a ridiculous amount of money to use (bad) and will not be able to use the wonderful Sotheby's Biennale application designed specifically for iPhones (horrible).
non-GMS Diane in a GMS world

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