Thursday, September 21, 2017

Mostly pictures

I'm continuing to explore as many areas of Venice as I can.  Here is yesterday's route:

It surprised me to discover it was more than 8 miles!

Here are some pictures:

                          This is the canal just in front of my apartment, called Fondamenta Zorzi

From an exhibition of glass:  famous artists worked with glass blowers from Murano to create all the pieces

                                                    The railway station of Venice

                                             Lorenzo Quinn's sculpture called "Support"

View of the Academia Bridge (only one of two wooden bridges, and the only one across the Grand Canal)

View of a typical neighborhood, from one of my walks

                                          This was in the window of a yarn store

                                               The window of a costumer, for Carnival

                                Typical neighborhood shrine area; these are common

The canal took a right-angle turn here;  I wish I knew how to paste this together with the following photo so you could see it as it was:

Room for buildings was (is) so scarce that early on they learned how to build supporting structures so that people could still pass below, but also use the space above for living quarters

                                                    The fruit and vegetable seller

The required Spritz

                                                                Reflection of Spritz

I hope that you will find at least some of this interesting.

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