Monday, July 18, 2011

The Last (Full) Day in Italy

We got into Venice this afternoon, after a four hr. train ride from Rome.  It was a bit of a hassle to bump all the (excessive) luggage down the steps of the Santa Lucia train station , and then we were treated to a water bus ride on an overcrowded boat to Lido where we were cursed openly and loudly for inconveniencing several of the patrons during the ride.  Frankly it was a hellish situation for two overly polite people-pleasers;  we kept trying to shrink us and the pile of luggage into a little ball, but unfortunately it remained the mountain it was.  After at least eight stops which entailed everyone having to bump past us all the while muttering and fixing us with the Evil Eye, we finally reached Lido. The B&B was three blocks from the boat landing, so we were checked in and soon in a cafe sipping remedial Gin & Tonics, eating a bit of pizza and gelato and generally licking our wounds.  We walked to the beach, and then witnessed a spectacular sunset.  And that's how the day went over here.

Here are some pictures:

                                                     Termini Station, Rome, Italy

                                           From the train window, on the way to Venice:

This is what the inside looked like, until the Florence stop when it filled completely

Venice beach at Lido

                      The "cafe society" of Lido:  the jolly fellow with the stains down his front is bumming cigarettes

And that is the end of our Italian adventures, at least for the time being.  I'm glad that you could come along with me, and I hope that you enjoyed it! 

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