Friday, June 23, 2017

Well, it's been four years since I've written.  A lot has happened.  Here in the USA a dark shadow has crossed over us, severely dampening the spirits of most.  It certainly has eroded my "bon vivantness".  However, I'm planning another trip to Venice for La Biennale...and that is the fuel upon which I'm running at the moment.

I'll be leaving for Venice on the 5th of September, and have rented a small apartment in the Dorsoduro for an entire month!!!   I've never managed to see all of the Biennale yet, so I'm thinking that an entire month will make that a definite possibility.

So yes, September is still more than two months away, but writing about it makes it feel more real.  And another associated trip is actually only two weeks away: a trip to San Francisco as sort of a "dress rehearsal" for the larger trek.  That will begin on July 12, and end on the 16th.  If anything "bloggable" occurs, you will be hearing about it (with accompanying pictures).

Until then, ci vediamo dopo  (we'll see each other down the road)

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