Monday, July 4, 2011

Cooking class

Today's big event was the cooking class.  We thought that it would be just us, but a couple from New Jersey and their two daughters also joined in.  We made:  pasta with eggplant and zucchini blossoms, pan fried sea bream and fruit tart for dessert.  It was a tremendous amount of fun, and I learned a lot...  not only about how to improve my pasta-making skills, but also how to fillet a fish plus a great tip to help keep tart pastry from falling apart prior to baking.  Here are a few pics:
                                                        Beginning to roll out the pasta:

It's getting bigger

                                                             The completed sheet of pasta

                                                             Cutting the pasta

De-boning the sea bream

Plating the fish

Apparently half of the class was not ready to say "cheese"


Sea Bream completo

We rode home from class on the double-decker tourist bus and so could rest assured that David is still watching over the city

The Duomo from Piazza Michelangelo

Tomorrow (Tues. 7/5) we leave Florence and start travelling through the small Medieval villages of Tuscany.  Good night until then.

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