Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Odds and Ends

I have a few more pictures to share...and no specific theme with which to link them.

                                 Here are a few pictures of the Grand Canal:

I went to an adjunctive art exhibition of the Biennale called Venice Design, showcasing modern furniture concepts:

This is a wall hanging composed entirely of extruded and painted foam pieces that had been glued together (again, I think it is the idea of art from recycled material); interesting and effective

This was my favorite piece:  an orchid lamp sculpture

          These are from an early morning walk taken around my "home base" here:

          This is my favorite photo of the bunch, with that shadowy figure and the beam of light

Today I am packing for the trip back tomorrow.  This vacation has been fantastic, but I'm looking forward to coming home, (though perhaps not the trip itself as much).

I am so glad that you were there to share this experience with me!

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