Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mueble Evoe, Montepulciano

So, true to our plan, we've spent today roaming the streets of this beautiful town.  Here are some of the sights:

The Sax Wine Bar:  we had lunch here on the first day while we were walking and completely lost

                                            The 13th Century Cathedral on the Piazza Grande

                                               The craft street again...  imagine driving through this!!!!

                                            Church seen from the walls of Montepulciano

                                               Houses outside the main walls

                                                            More hills!!!!!  They are everywhere.

                                                       Geraniums against the ancient walls
                                                                                                                                                                                 The Piazza Grande (a tad less grande with the concert apparatus)

                                                        Our room at the Meuble Evoe

It's true that the room here doesn't have the excessive opulence of the previous one, but it's comfortable and has everything we need.  Also, the family who runs it is warm and genuinely concerned with our comfort.  Plus, their restaurant is rated #4 out of 35+ Montepulciano restaurants on TripAdvisor, and locals rave about it....  Perfect!

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