Friday, July 1, 2011

Goodbye Venice!

A few last bits:

Here are a couple of photos taken one night after dinner.  The location is very close to our apartment.

And now for the rest of what we saw of the Biennale.  Again, it will just be a taste of it...  plus I can't possibly post all of the related information such as artist's name and country of origin.  (Though, if it is important for you to know about specific pieces, email me and I'll get the info. to you).

This is the James Turrell room... brilliant!  He modifies your perception of space with only lighting.  Walking into it, you are convinced that you are about to walk into a wall, (that orange space is the portal).  Once through to the other side, the beautiful blue room emerges, but slowly because it seems as if you are surrounded by mist and nothing is defined... including the floor.  Loved this!!

And more:
                         A wonderful dragon made from inner tubes and hand-stitched together

 Intricate wax sculptures...  candles!  Lit at the beginning of the exhibit and will continuously burn until November.  And yes, that one on the left is a candle too!!

From a room full of these huge and wonderful clay sculptures;  I believe the title of the entire assemblage was, "Now I Can Be With My Son".

This is a panel (and some closeups) of The Faces of One Thousand Warriors

Sculpture outside the Arsenale

 Wonderful, detailed sculptures


We went to three outlying islands on our last day in the Venice area:
   Burano, famous for colorful buildings and lace

Tintoretto:  the first settlers in Venice were here 

 Murano, where the glassblowers produce magic plus copious amounts of souvenirs

The last evening

Mary (on the left) and Lillian wave goodbye as they waved hello one week ago

The week went by much too fast.

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