Friday, July 15, 2011

Roma! Yikes

Today we rode the subway to the Vatican and did a tour for 3 hours.  And then we walked part of the way back, and later hopped back on the subway to return to the hotel.  Some pictures:

                                                              Subway "art car" packed to the hilt

                                               Vatican art museums:  beginning the tour

                               Ceilings and floors...  that seems to have been my particular focus:

                                             In the tapestry hall, the ceilings were beautiful too


                                                         La Pieta in St. Peter's Basillica

This is from an exhibit at the Giardini in Venice, the Biennale 2011, called La Pieta or Self-love

Many of the floors are intricate patterns of fine mosaic

                                                                In St. Peter's Basilica

                                   There is no possible way to capture the enormity of this space! 

                                                   This is towards the main alter area

The only time I ever toured the Vatican was in the early 70's while on a 4 1/2 month magical hiatus from "real life".   Seeing the Sistine Chapel was turned into a torture then because too many people were herded through it at one time and just sort of pushed you through.  I only remember being able to steal quick glances up towards the ceiling;  it was not a fun experience.

But this time it was better!  They have started some sort of process to control the number of people in the Chapel at one time and so now you can stand in one place and actually look up at the ceiling !  It's  pretty wonderful!  The only bad thing is that they are very militant about picture-taking, and so I have none to share with you. 

I shared that trip in the 70's with one who has a finely developed sense of social justice (and injustice).  He read the irony in the riches of the churches that the poor prayed for tenderness and mercy within.

                                                                    Jim, not much has changed:

                                            From the walk back towards the hotel:

The Spanish Steps

                                                         This concludes Day 2 in Rome

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