Friday, July 19, 2013

Rialto Mercado

Scads of snails!!


  1. yum...Great photos!!!!....I don't remember this market. Did you eat snails? dawn

  2. Now call me foolish, but I am assuming that your "yum" comment did not directly reference those snails. And no I did not. But I thought they were beautiful as they were, in that bin.
    The Rialto is Venice's largest market, I believe. And this visit was my first. We should have gone last time.

  3. The snails!!!!! I love the cool buildings and all the water. Does it smell like a lake? Ocean? Swamp??

  4. Ha! I never have thought about the smell of the water. So I guess that it doesn't really have any specific smell. I did, however, take an early morning walk yesterday, and the smell of baking bread nearly brought me to my knees!


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